Thursday, 9 December 2021

Minecraft island report

 Quite a while ago Mr abbot had gotten us Minecraft and it has monthly challenges and there is a desert island that we have to do and we had to build something on island what I had built was a nice house with lots of styles added to it and I also had some help to make a ship for the build we did not have much time left so we had to just come up with something real fast and the ship did not turn out amazing but for only a little bit of time left, I think it is fine. Same with the house I had used stone bricks and spruces logs at first it was pretty bad but after a while, it had turned out to be something that other people liked a lot. We also have to put photos on the document. The reason why we had done this is that the teachers wanted to see us all play Minecraft and see what we could build and I think my house had turned out really well even tho it’s not all done I still think it is very good. Most people had made mansions but we had just to make a basic house. 

what Minecraft task would you do. 

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