It was a real surprise to be in lockdown again.
There is not much to do in lockdown you can sit on the couch all day, or go outside and go for a bike ride or on the trampoline. So I think it is really boring. I would rather go out with my friends on my bike and do what we usually do, and thats go biking with our bike gang of mates. We bike down to our gang meet up which is a vacant lot of land, then we meet up and do tricks on our bikes. Then we stop by the On the spot shop and buy treats and drink, then we bike to my house and play on the console. We take snacks to the bike gang and share with each other.
I really hope this lockdown doesnt last very long.
Hi jasper, It sounds like you are really missing your mates. Lockdown happen so fast this time it caught everyone by suprise. I know you are really inventive, good at drawing and good at codeing as well. Have you tried to learn a new skill...something so simple like cooking?. You will benefit from this as you get older.