Friday, 11 September 2020

we are in charch.

all the year fives and sixs all went to camp for a week and we all did art at school my favourite thing that i did without the year fives is the jobs and art. My favourite job was on the PE shed. It was a lot of fun and we also had to do the assembly on friday. The assembly was my favourite thing that we did and the art we did was a dafadol. We had coloured in a dafadol with some pastels and cut it out and put it on a black peice of paper. Mrs King surprised us all with a Milo moring tea, it was great. This is a photo of us all enjoying our milo.                             

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Tasman bubble

This an animantion we made it with Kotuku. We all watched a bubble movie and we made a bubble thing too. I had worked with Haki and Tasman to make this animaioton. Its about Tasman in this bubble and he goes through a portal and goes inside a tv with all the circuits, and the bubble pops and Tasman lands on an other bubble and he's safe. Thats where the animation ends.

Monday, 8 June 2020

Jasper's waka

this is my waka i used a paint brush and some water colour pencils and i used poly line to make my face. i made it by taking a photo of me and i polylined around it to make my face. when i had finished with it' it was printed out and then i glued my face onto my waka. what i did with the water colour pencils this that i went around the edges and then i put the brush into a little cup of water and then i brushed it onto the water colour pencil marks and i went along with the brush and i colour it in.

Thursday, 7 May 2020


Here is the kite we made and decorated for this weeks challenge, it has not been windy enough to fly it yet.  We wanted to make a huge kite.  It is made from bamboo from the garden and large pieces of paper stuck together.  We called it the Night Flyer.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

A new way to hold a satchel

I invented this idea to hold my favourite satchel

Anzac Day

We all helped mum make a large poppy for Anzac Day, we put it on the large Teddy bear we have outside for people can see it as they bike past.  It rained on the teddy and poppy but it still looks good.  We also helped mum make some Anzac cookies, they didnt last very long and we ate them all.

My Giant Fortune Teller

I made this Giant Fortune Teller all by myself, It wasnt that hard to make, and I put all the colours and words in it by myself.  I make these all the time but this one is my biggest one yet.  I had another big one but it broke, so now I made a new one., to make me happy.

The Sunset

Here is picture of the sun setting I asked mum to quickly take a photo of it because I thought it looked so cool with the clouds.

my new room

this is my new room, i have got a new carpet. the carpet is shape like a checker board and green paint, and shelves. I have got a nice and comfy bed to sleep in. and a play area and a tv and a couch. my brother's room is on the other side of the room.

Friday, 6 March 2020

hunting the good food

Jess from Foodstuffs came to visit us at school yesterday and she talked about food and energy. I learnt a lot from listening to her. We went to the supermarket with a pen and paper. When we got in we were checking for food that you can eat everyday. On the side of the box it told us what the contents were per 100g We wrote very good food and not very good food on the paper . It took a long time to find the right good food and the bad food. Have you ever looked at the side or back of your food packets?